Jumat, 29 November 2013

Written news


}  Written News is a text that used to tell information or news about something in writing

Example : 

Selasa, 26 November 2013

Memo and short report

   Memo is officially adopted as the letter in the relationship of a leader to his subordinates. Be used as a personal memo memorandum or letter is not an official statement among friends, relatives, or others who have a close relationship.

Definition of short Report
    Short Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a
result of observation.it same with report text but short.

=> Generic Structure of short Report
1. General classification: Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal,            public place,  etc which will be discussed in general
2. Description: Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail.

Language Feature of Report
• Introducing group or general aspect
• Using conditional logical connection; when, so, etc
• Using simple present tense 

Example :
Birds are interesting flying animals. They are vertebrates and warm blooded animals. They belong to aves class and they can be found all over the world.

Birds breath with their air pocket. Beside as respiration organ, air pocket also can enlarge or reduce their weight when flying or swimming.

There are many kinds of birds. Earth bird has special characteristic. They have different morphology according to their food and their habitat. Some of them eat seeds, pollen, fish or meat. There are some species that live in land and the others live in water. Land birds live on their nest.

Female birds have specific tasks. they lay eggs and feed their baby, Beside that they look for foods for their baby. 

Senin, 25 November 2013

So, Too, Either, Neither

so and too
The word 'so' and 'too' are useed to combine two positive statement with identical predicates to form a compound sentences.

so + auxiliary verb + subject
subject + auxiliaey verb + too

Example :
Sonya likes playing doll. Shania also likes playing doll.
-sonya likes playing  doll and so does shania
-sonya likes playing  doll and shania does too

either and neither

The word 'either' and 'neither' to combine two negative statements with identicalpredicates to form a compound sentence.

Subject +  auxiliaey verb + not + either
neither + auxiliaey verb + subject

Aldo is not doing his homework now. Benny is also not doing her homework.
-Aldo is not doing his homework now and Benny is not either
-Aldo is not doing his homework now and neither is Benny

Minggu, 24 November 2013


Purpose of Transition Words

    Transition words help a written piece to flow more smoothly. Within these types of words, your writing will become choppy. However, sometimes, when a writer is advised to use a new type of device in his or her writing, that person will tend to start sprinkling it in everywhere.


You can use “moreover” to replace “and in addition.” It normally begins the second independent clause in a sentence.-The hairdresser had dyed his hair the wrong color; moreover, the hair turned green when she tried to correct the error.


You use furthermore to add more information to what was already said or written.Example:We believe that the project is possible. Furthermore, we believe that we can do it within a few months.In addition, additionally or also, joins two sentences (independent clauses.)  The word introduces additional information. 
Examples:-Anne and Alex act and sing.  In addition, they dance.-She must dance gracefully.  In addition, she must dance precisely.


Therefore - (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result; it’s a conjunctive adverb.Examples:-those people have their umbrellas up: therefore, it must be raining-they heard the warning on the radio and therefore took another route


“Consequently” is very similar to “so” and “therefore.” Like “therefore” it’s a conjunctive adverb (the term is not important!).Examples:-Hector decided not to use a map; consequently, he got lost and never found his way out of the forest. There he died.

Sabtu, 23 November 2013

Weather Reports , Table and Graph


Definition : Weather Report or weather forecast is a prediction of weather.
Function:       To protect life and property.
        Temperature and precipitation, it is important for agriculture,
        For commodities traders in the stock market.
        Climate forecasts are used by utility companies   to estimate demand over coming days.
        To decide what to wear on a given day
        To plan activities,


Definition The table is a summary of a list of data that informs the form of numbers, arranged by applying, in sequence down certain paths and rows using the row delimiter.
Function       Describes a fact or information in brief, clear, and more interesting than words.
       To compare the amount of data.
How to read table?       Observe first title.
       Observe the columns in the table.
       Find the striking difference in the data is either the lowest or the highest average, count if necessary.


Definition :Graph is a painting or a tidal rise and fall of a state represented by a line or drawing the ups and downs of a data.
Function       Enables delivery of complex information more easily.
       Can provide a snapshot of information in a clear, simple, interesting, and effective.
       To compare the amount of data.

Problem : weather report = sometimes there is some different mention of the names of weather, so it often goes wrong

Pain,Pleasure and Relief

                                                                   Expressing Pain

       When we get sick, we must feel pain on part of our body. When we get on accident, and we get injured because of it, we must feel pain. Some expression of pain:

·         It’s very painful. I can’t stand it
·         The pain hurts me very much
·         That’s hurts! Oh, my headache
·         I’m not feeling well
·         I feel very confused
         I feel terrible
·         I’m really sick
·         I can no longer stand
·         Ouch, it hurts!
·         Oh, it’s killing me



.Expressing Pleasure

Use to express pleasure, showing one’s feeling of happiness
• It’s really a great pleasure.
• I am pleased.
• That’s wonderful.
• It is really delightful./I am delighted.
• That’s great

Expressing Relief
Use to expressing something when we late and relieved not late
  • That’s a great relief
  • I’m extremely glad to hear…
  • Thank goodness for....
  • Marvellous
  • What a relief!


   A poster is an informative and decorative way to attract the attention to the information it contains. 

This poster invites us to save people from the dangers of smoking

How to make a poster?
Make it easy for your readers. If they are badly presented, no one will take the time to read them. 
The purpose of your poster is to present scientific information. Don’t get carried away with using a lot of colors and fonts, which might distract from the presentation of your research.
Your poster is a visual means of information

Satisfaction and dissatisfaction

Asking about satisfaction
-          how do you like your food?
-          is everything O.K ?
-          are you satisfied?

Asking about dissatisfaction

-          Do you want to complain about something?
-          Are you dissatisfaction ?
-          Are you dissatisfied with something?
-          Did you find our service satisfactory ?

Expressing satisfaction
-          I really like my new hair cut
-          I’m completely satisfied with everything you’ve done for me.
-           It was okay..
Expressing dissatisfaction
-          It is disappointing that.!
-          It is unacceptable
-          This is the limit I won't take any more of...
-          Well, this is most unsatisfactory.
-          The concert is so boring.
-          What an awful meeting
-          It's not as good as I thought.

Example dialog Expressing Satisfaction :
    Agnes   :   How’s your vacation in Japan ?
    Made    :   It was  terrific! The places are beautiful and futuristic.
   Agnes : Really? What else did you do there?
   Made   : Oh, I went to Tokyo tower and asakusa !It was the most breathtaking thing that I've ever done.
   Agnes : Wow, it must be a very fun trip for you.
   Made   : Yes,I’m very satisfied with my  vacation there. You must go there.
   Agnes : Yes, I think I’ll do that

Solution : For this I already understand the disclosure of expression and the difference between satisfaction(rasa puas) and dissaticfaction(rasa tidak puas)

Present perfect tense


Present perfect tense is a verb form used to express an action or situation that has started in the past and has been completed at a specific time in the past or still continues today.

I have seen that man twenty times.
I think I have met her once before.
There have been many flood in jakarta.
People have traveled to the Moon.
Have you read the book yet?
Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.

Affirmative form
Iyou               have   worked   we     they
he/she/it    has worked /-s/

watch - watched /-ed/play - played /-ed/study - studied /-ed/
Example :- 
They have watched this film- He has been in New York many times- We have had five tests so far this semester

Negative form

Iyou      HAVE NOT /haven't/we           WORKED    they
he/she/it    HAS NOT              /hasn't / WORKED
1. They haven't been to New York yet.

2. She hasn't seen him so far.
- They have never been abroad- He hasn’t left

Interrogative form
                 IHAVE       you       WORKED?                 we                 they
HAS   he/she/it    WORKED?
Example : 1. Have you ever worked from home?

2. Has he ever been to Italy?

Problem : sometimes forget the use of Present perfect tense

Minggu, 17 November 2013

Adjective Clause

   Adjective Clause is a clause that modify or change the noun.
   Example :
    1. The girl who is standing next to me is my sister. (Gadis yang berdiri disebelah adalah saudara          perempuanku)
=> Examples of Adjective clause by using the Relative Pronoun can be seen in the following table:
Relative Pronoun
Contoh Kalimat
I thanked the woman who helped me.

Adjective Clause: who helped me(menerangkan kata benda “woman”)
The man whom I saw was Mr. Erick.

Adjective Clause: whom I saw(menerangkan kata benda “The man”)
I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.

Adjective Clause: whose bicycle was stolen (menerangkan kata benda “The man” yang berfungsi sebagaiSubject)
The cats which eat fish are very cute.

Adjective Clause: which eat fish are very cute (menerangkan kata benda “The cats” yang berfungsi sebagaiSubject)
The building where he lives is very old.

Adjective Clause: where he lives is very old (menerangkan kata benda “The building”)
I’ll never forget the daywhen I met you.

Adjective Clause: when I met you(menerangkan kata benda “The day” yang berfungsi sebagai object)
This is the house that I have showed to my mother.

Adjective Clause: that I have showed to my mother(menerangkan kata benda “The house”)

Problem : I personally often confused between who and Whom, Whose and Which.